maandag 7 februari 2011

Me Myself the hypocrite

Communication Parrots
Setting up a weblog about business communication is the easiest thing to do for me. As a communication graduate it is not hard to find relevant articles and weblogs about this subject. Four years Bachelor nearly convinced me about the value of social media and the 'opportunities' this medium has to offer us.

The University told me to set up a blog and a twitter to publish about communication. Keeping in my mind that we all describing our own (feature)business i am expecting numerous of positive posts and tweets about communication and social mediablabla. One of the first lessons in marketing is: Be Remarkable. That's the main reason this weblog is set up in a "pickle-wise" way.

I hope to serve and enjoy you the next couple of months with anti-digital communication posts. Next topic will be about Evgeny Morozov (cyber-utopism).

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