dinsdag 10 mei 2011

Collaboration T-Mobile,Twitter and the invisibles

Since 9/11 our privacy has been reduced for security reasons. Consequently companies can store all or internetdata 6 months till two year in order "to protect the country" . George Orwell has written the book 1984 about the feature of our privacy and the role of the government controlling our social lives with data. Nowadays Orwell can be falsified because of the fact that not only the government are taking our lives in to control but also big brands like TomTom, Facebook, Sony and T-Mobile are the owners of worlds most powerful data. In this blog I will explain the danger of this development by the use of a personal case including the specific role of T-mobile and Twitter.

donderdag 5 mei 2011

Take a look on the Wild site

Today we celebrate the end of World War II in the Netherlands. We can live in relative freedom and can spread almost every word without being tortured or being arrested by the police. To regulate our society the government has set up laws about the way we can communicate with each other (Article 285 Wetboek van Strafrecht). This article is about the ban on death threats. But how must we interpret this law when we take a look at the Wild West on the Internet? Even on this memorial day bullets are flying. 

dinsdag 3 mei 2011

Brands are buying news

As a football-fan I am always looking for updates and news of football. Websites like vi.nl and voetbalzone.nl are covering football news around the globe almost 24 hours a day. As mentioned before in a previous blog, the relevance and the reliability of the presented news are sometimes doubtful. Not only because the reliability of the news but also the source of the news can be controversial. Today I found a good  example of directed news on an official Ajax fan-website . So who is really making the news? Independent web-editors or powerful brands?