woensdag 1 juni 2011

Srebrenica and communication

In 1995 I was just 8-years old when the Srebrenica massacre took place. Due to this fact I have to read books and newspapers afterwards to understand why and how this genocide took place. After the arrest of Ratko Mladic all newspapers and other media were stand-by to cover this historical moment and they consequently looked back to '95. This morning I read an article from Hans Blom in "De Volkskrant", he stated that the video of the separated refugees (with the presence of Dutchbat) in Potocari was one of the main reasons that people nowadays think that the genocide of 8000 people is a direct consequent of the failure of Dutchbat. The lack of video material from the Srebrenica forest is also a important element according to Blom.

According to Blom it's all about communication. When we ask the world to judge our role in the Srebrenica massacre we are stated as a bunch of cowards. One of the first  Let's take a look at Youtube to find out how come.

New Twitter Feature

Friedrich Nietzsche was 34-years old when he decided to switch his pen for a typewriter, a Writing Ball. He was forced to this move because of a physical impairment on his hands and his eyes. With the help of a typewriter he was able to write with his eyes closed. Interestingly, a friend of Nietzsche (Heinrich Kosilitz) noticed a change in his writing style. “You are right,” Nietzsche replied, “our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts.” Unfortunately after Nietzsche many many other people are using a typewriter to form their thoughts.